Friday, June 17, 2005

Film Meme

1. Total Number of films I own on DVD and video.
Well, I am going to have to say "zero." I have occasionally taped a few, but I'm not inclined to save any videos. I used to try and keep my own academic journals in my office at work until a colleague stopped by, looked at the large collection of fragmented journals and said - "you know, that's what the library is for." So, months later, when cleaning the office, I decided "less is more," and I through them all out. Well, ok, I saved a few. With videos, I do have a few saved small number of things that I never watch, like the "Ben Franklin" PBS special.

2. Last film I bought.
Zero films purchased. See (1) above.

3. Last film I watched.
Aha! I can answer this. Dogville. Loved it. I'm a big fan of Nicole Kidman. I love the unique way it was filmed, much like a play, you could really focus on the characters. All distractions were removed.
Oops. Actually, I just watched "Hotel Rwanda." Powerful. Wonderful acting.

4. Five films that I watch a lot, or that mean a lot to me.
Well, powerful films that have had an impact on me ... The Shawshank Redemption is a wonderful story, it gets under your skin because of the tremendous emotional upheaval of the main character, I can really be transformed from sitting on the couch to feeling everthing this character is going through. It represents the trimuph of the human spirit, he uses his intellect, his attitude, and he is extremely focused. In prison, the world is different, so different, ... the pecking order, the status, the rules, ... the character adapts, he drifts along seemingly helpless like a man on a raft amid the tumultuous sea, but there's this quiet, hidden confidence below the surface. Of course, the story and the ending are just wonderful and satisfying. Good acting, a lot of fun.
Dances with Wolves. This is the only movie/film with Kevin Costner that I care for. But it's one of my favorite all time films! Why? Well, it deals with character transformation. Like film 1 above, the character finds himself in a completely different environment. All of the "brainwashing" from his past life, well, it slowly get pealed away. I can relate to his journey. I go through a mini-transformation when I leave Buffalo and hike in the mountains. Of course, as an environmentalist the film has a deep impact. Also the film has a humanist, multi-cultural impact.
Some "drug" films - Traffic and Maria Full of Grace. Big impact. The world of drugs. Big impact.
Comedy - to round out things. Being John Malkovich. Loved it. Whacky. Malkovich's role is very subtle.


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