Thursday, June 02, 2005

All Things in Moderation

I just read in Google News the latest research - long-term use of painkillers and aspirin promote breast cancer. Prior to this, researchers were promoting the use of aspirin to reduce the risk of colon cancer among other benefits. Well, what's the deal?

First, as my Great Uncle Martin (Great Aunt Ena's brother) used to say, "all things in moderation." Uncle Martin would also enjoy a beer or a drink now and again, and he even smoked moderately. But, Uncle Martin and Aunt Ena never went overboard. I never saw either of them overconsume, overdrink, or take anything to extremes. Uncle Martin was a fine example of a good, hard-working man ... he worked as an accountant for about 50 years, not retiring until well past his 70's. In fact, he was mainly responsible for bringing over much of his family (including Aunt Ena) from Ireland by sponsoring them - putting up money and a place to stay, so they could emigrate.

I subscribe to the University of Berkeley Wellness letter. It's a good way to keep up with the conventional wisdom of the medical community. Often what you read in newspaper is medical information that will "make a story." Often times journalists will take a single medical research study, and present the results as if this is the latest truth. However, as many of us who do research know, it's a long road from research study to research study until the community of scholars is willing to make a claim regarding "x leads to y." Look how long it took for the government to eventually place the warning label on cigarettes that smoking causes lung cancer.

At any rate, the best advise for a good life, and a long life ... is - "all things in moderation." Hey, that's what you learn when you get a good Jesuit, undergraduate education.


At 5:40 PM, Blogger girish said...

Hi Ed--
The wellness newsletter you subscribe to--is it electronic? Just curious, it sounds interesting...

At 6:26 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Girish: I don't think it does, but if you subsribe they have a website and now you can search and find articles from 2002 forward. Once you subsribe and get the print copy (about 8 pp long), they print the top secret password for the month.
It's actually a really cool newsletter because you can find out all the conventional wisdom of the medical researchers, whether the MDs are taking supplements, which ones, what the real deal is.
I hope the next issue says it's cool to drink wine everyday, if so, I have a head start on wellness.


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