Thursday, November 24, 2005

Painting No 411 - Still Life and Thanksgiving

My Mom was always very close to her older brother Marty. I recall the many times when Mom would be on the phone with Uncle Marty laughing and laughing - he had quite a sense of humor and was very outgoing. Uncle Marty was also very creative and artistic but since he had a job that was demanding (manager of a grocery store) he didn't have as much free time to create like my Mom did. On the other hand, he really enjoyed working on his house, landscaping, collecting antiques, and working on various projects (e.g., building a bar in his basement).

I recall many get-togethers with my Uncle Marty, Aunt Martha and my cousins over the years. I am so thankful that Aunt Martha stayed with my Dad while my Mom was recovering from her heart problem. I am especially grateful that my Aunt Martha helped arrange a family reunion this last spring. It gave me a chance to see my cousins again and meet Devon and Justine, Jonah, David, Kelly and Brooke. Thank you Aunt Martha!

This painting - and I don't recall its title, so I'm just calling it No. 411, this painting was based on my Uncle Marty's antiques, so I thought it was fitting to post it along with this write-up.


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